Architecture - Bachelors
The purpose of the Brookes Apartment design is to provide a high quality mid-rise mixed used building that appropriately respond to the sub-tropical site context and issues for the community physical and
mental health.
The design is developed with two different client types: Working professional in early career startup entrepreneur who might be
using workspace a lot requiring short-term lease and Working professional who live and work within the building for longer term
leases. The office is designed to be focused for workers in IT field.
The design incorporates pedestrian pathway to connect with the community while utilised for public amenities as well to connect Brookes street and Jeays street and activates the communal area f0r the dwellers to connect to wider community. The colour palette for this apartment is using a neutral colour to adjust with the neighbourhood existing conditions.
“Designing spaces to promote good mental health – and to support people with mental health problems – is an integral part of building a sustainable city,”
(McCay, n.d.)
Irene Patricia Wirawan is a young enthusiastic undergraduate student who is currently taking double degree at Queensland University of Technology and University of Indonesia both majoring in Architecture. In addition, Irene is a critical, persistent, and responsible individual. She also loves to learn new things and she is really passionate in creative design thinking, architectural planning, and building construction. She has a big interest in environmental management as she become the part of team thinker at Architecture and Sustainability Cluster of Architecture Department Engineering Faculty in University of Indonesia.