Architecture - Honours

The Hall of Democracy

The proposed Hall of Democracy uses art as the universal language, and shared human emotion as the driver, creating one, fluid environment. By partnering with creatives, makers, activists, educators and community leaders from all over Queensland, the Hall of Democracy aims to be a space which encourages free expression. Expression of the self, expression of art, culture and opinion. This will be a place where members of the community can gather to learn, connect and grow through this shared expression. The hall will be a safe, equitable and welcoming space for direct engagement between public servants and their constituents. The Hall of Democracy will be a space that is truly representative of the constituents that the democracy serves, not a tribute to the system itself.


The current democratic system engages with, and is dictated by a range of binaries. Binaries are, by definition, two things or parts. A choice or condition between two alternatives. In our evolving society, categories of identity, experience and opinion are more appropriately expressed as a matrices of difference, rather than a binary. As our society continues to evolve, we move further and further from these long held binaries as they pertain to our democracy.
Lecturers at the university of Massachusetts Amherst, identify that, “all of us have multiple aspects of identity that we experience simultaneously and that are mutually constitutive…taking an intersectional approach to understanding identity gives us a more complex understanding of our social reality”. The proposed Hall of Democracy will be a celebration of this this difference. A freedom from these binaries, a space of free expression. By celebrating this difference, we take away the need for opposition. Through the use of art as the universal language, and shared human emotion as the driver, the hall of democracy will be one, fluid environment. By partnering with creatives, makers, activists, educators and community leaders from all over Queensland, the hall of democracy aims to be a space which encourages free expression, expression of the self, expression of art, culture and opinion. This will be a place where members of the community can gather to learn, connect and grow through this shared expression.
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Rawea Hamwood

Rawea is a passionate 4th year architecture student that enjoys critical thinking to create intentional and impactful user centric design. Currently working in construction, Rawea has an appreciation for both the technical and conceptual sides of architecture to produce thoughtful outcomes with respect to context, users and sustainability.